Terms and Conditions
1. I am bound by the Code of Ethics of the Belgian Commission of Psychologists. A copy of the Code of Ethics is available on request, or may be viewed on the website https://www.compsy.be/files/code_of_ethics.pdf
2. The normal duration of each session is 45-50 minutes, although I reserve the right to amend that time for therapeutic reasons. If for any reason you are late for a session, I will see you for the duration of the remainder but will be unable to work beyond the allotted time as this will cause invonvenience to other clients who may be waiting.
3. It is understood that sometimes sudden events, such as emergencies, happen, that may make it necessary for clients to cancel their appointment last minute or fail to attend without a notification. On these occasions it is at the therapist’s discretion if a fee will be charged. In general however, if you fail to give less than 24 hours notice of your intention to cancel or postpone an agreed therapy session, I reserve the right to charge in full for that session.
4. The cost of each session is 85 EUR. Payment should be made before or at the end of each session via bank transfer. There is no credit/debit card facilities at the therapy center.
5. The cost of therapy includes any written materials I may supply, but excludes the cost of any books that I might suggest you read.
6. You may terminate therapy without further cost at any time you wish.
7. I am required to carry out continuing professional development, and to engage in regular on-going clinical supervision. This is to ensure an ethical and professional service to clients. I may discuss your case in supervision but would not use any identifying details.
8. Confidentiality will be maintained within the Code of Ethics and legal requirements. Confidentiality does not apply where it would mean that I, as your psychologist, might break the law or where withholding information means I would breach the Code of Ethics.
9. Our therapeutic relationship will remain a professional one at all times.
10. I take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your contact information, date of birth, bookings, and therapy notes are stored online at DoctorAnytime, a booking and journal system that stores the data in accordance with GDPR requirements. Brief session notes are anonymised and stored until filed into the journal system. After therapy has finished, I will retain these documents for further 10 years, after which the documents will be destroyed. You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that I hold.
11. Regarding online therapy, we can use a video chat platform of your choice. Therapy-related email exchanges will be destroyed either after the session or after therapy has finished, which will be agreed by both of us.
12. You will be notified of any holidays to be taken by myself well in advance. However, there may also be occasions when sessions may be cancelled because of illness or because of attending training sessions. I will try to give you as much notice as possible of any cancellation, and will offer an alternative time.
13. I will not suddenly or without warning terminate our contract, except in exceptional circumstances, which would become clear in the course of our work together. This would be fully discussed at that time.
14. Please note that any threats or acts of violence will invalidate this agreement and the therapeutic relationship will cease. Sessions will not take place if you arrive under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed medication.
15. If you feel unhappy with any aspect of the treatment, please do try and communicate this to me. This gives us both the chance to address and resolve these issues. If you feel unable to do so or do not receive satisfactory resolution, then you have the right to complain to my professional body, the Commission of Psychologists.